Genbu-Kai CA
Annual seminars, tournament and banquet at our main branch in Santa Ana, California. This years marks Sensei's 75th anniversary in […]
Annual seminars, tournament and banquet at our main branch in Santa Ana, California. This years marks Sensei's 75th anniversary in […]
In lieu of Moore Sensei's father's funeral. Calling hours will be from 4-7pm All able are invited to attend.!/Obituary
Canceled for March
Students testing for Karate 6th and 3rd kyu, along with 1st Dan, are required to attend. ALL other students interested […]
Students testing for either 6th kyu, 3rd kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please bring […]
Batto cutting
Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]
Annual seminar & tournament weekend at or main Kansas branch. More information to follow.
Students testing for Kyu levels in either Karate, Kobudo and/or Batto are required to attend. Please arrive at least 15 […]