Written Test
Students testing for either 6th, 3rd or 1st kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please […]
Students testing for either 6th, 3rd or 1st kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please […]
Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]
ONLY Ninja make up class from 9:00-9:30am. ALL other classes canceled due to testing.
Students testing for Kyu levels in either Karate, Kobudo and/or Batto are required to attend. Testing fees and signed Intent […]
We've been invited to set up a vendor booth and also give a demonstration at this event. Please advise ASAP […]
Due to poor weather conditions.
Rescheduled from Tuesday, May 2nd.
Postponed until June.