In observance of Independence Day.
In observance of Independence Day.
We're planning to host a vendor booth, and possibly offer demonstrations throughout the day's events. Please advise if you're able […]
Students testing for either 6th, 3rd or 1st kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please […]
Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]
We’ve been invited to set up a vendor booth and perform demonstrations during this event. Please advise ASAP how and […]
Cutting for Batto students. Matt rolling will be that Thursday prior to cutting. 4 mats = $30.00 6 mats = […]
Students testing for Kyu levels in either Karate, Kobudo and/or Batto are required to attend. Testing fees and signed Intent […]
ONLY Ninja make up class from 9:00-9:30am. ALL other classes canceled.
Please contact Sue Riddle for more information.