Ninja Testing

Kyu level testing for our Ninja students. Testing fees and signed intent forms are due on the date requested. Please […]


Cutting for Batto students. Matt rolling will be that Thursday prior to cutting. 4 mats = $30.00 6 mats = […]

$30 – $80


In observance of Labor Day

Hurricane IRMA

Due to Hurricane IRMA, and the continued power outages, clean up, etc..... we've decided to remain closed until Monday, September […]

Karate Tournament

Hosted by a local Karate Dojo. Anyone interested in competing, please let Sensei know.

History/Term. Seminars

Students testing for either 6th, 4th or 3rd kyu’s along with 1st Dan are required to attend. ALL other students […]

NO Morning Classes

In preparing for Demura Sensei's visit.

NO Classes

Regularly scheduled classes are canceled for this day.

Genbu-Kai Florida – UPDATED 9/25/17

Annual seminars, and awards banquet with Demura Shihan 2017 Invited Dojo Letter 2017 Florida Genbu-Kai Registration - GK and RK […]

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