Royal Palm Beach Winter Fest
We will have a vendor booth set up during this event. Anyone wishing to help is more than welcome!
We will have a vendor booth set up during this event. Anyone wishing to help is more than welcome!
Postponed until January 2018
Students testing for either 6th, 4th or 3rd kyu’s along with 1st Dan are required to attend. ALL other students […]
Open to all 6th kyu and higher students looking for additional time for kata. Part of class may revolve around […]
ALL WELCOME! Starts shortly before sunrise, forecast to be @ 7:10am on this day. Then join us for breakfast at […]
Kyu level testing for our Karate Kid students. Testing fees and signed intent forms are due on the date requested. […]
Attending the annual events.
Being Sensei will be attending the annual Genbu-Kai events in California, we unfortunately do not have any instructors to cover […]
Being Sensei will be attending the annual Genbu-Kai events in California, we unfortunately do not have any instructors to cover […]
Being Sensei will be attending the annual Genbu-Kai events in California, we unfortunately do not have any instructors to cover […]