Written Test
Students testing for either 6th, 3rd or 1st kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please […]
Students testing for either 6th, 3rd or 1st kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please […]
NEW mat prices starting September 1, 2019. 4 mats = $28.00 6 mats = $42.00 8 mats = $56.00 10 […]
Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]
Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]
Students testing for Kyu levels in either Karate, Kobudo and/or Batto are required to attend. Testing fees and signed Intent […]
Due to Demura Sensei's visit and our welcome dinner, we will not be having adult karate class tonight.
Please refer to the seminar schedule as regular classes will be slightly adjusted during Sensei's visit. Thank you!
Annual seminar weekend and awards banquet with Demura Shihan. Please click on links below for registration forms. 2019 Florida Genbu-Kai […]
Dojo photo shoot for annual school poster and Christmas/Holiday pictures. NO cost to have your picture taken to be on […]
NEW mat prices starting September 1, 2019. 4 mats = $28.00 6 mats = $42.00 8 mats = $56.00 10 […]