
NEW mat prices starting September 1, 2019. 4 mats = $28.00 6 mats = $42.00 8 mats = $56.00 10 […]

Written Test

Students testing for either 6th kyu, 3rd kyu, including 1st Dan are required to attend. NO gi required. Please bring […]

Rengo-Kai PA

First annual seminar weekend with Demura Sensei at our Rengo-Kai PA branch. Connellsville_Rengokai_Flyer-1 Connellsville_Rengokai_Seminars2021-1 Posted 7/5/21 @ 9:30am


Students testing for either 6th Kyu, 3rd Kyu or 1st Dan are required to attend. Please arrive 15 minutes prior […]

Kyu Testing

Students testing for Kyu levels in either Karate, Kobudo and/or Batto are required to attend. Please arrive at least 15 […]

Tameshigiri – CANCELED

DUE to potentially heavy rain & bad weather. Regular Batto classes scheduled as normal.  


In observance of Labor Day.

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